Friday, November 6, 2015

Faith (#Encounter series) Heb 11:1

I have been crucified with Christ the nevertheless I live, the  life I now live I live by faith for faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, for by faith the heavens were formed calling those things that be not as though were for by faith the world was framed and all that we see were brought into existence, life was created by faith. Even though we are not yet raised with the lord. We live in the resuurection life with the hope of Christ coming when our incorruptible body will 
be exchanged for incorruptible body, the work in our Christian walk is Faith, even though we have access to everything by grace we receive them and see their manifestation by faith. Faith is our legal tender we need to constantly strive to live by faith. We must keep Christ in our consciousness and allow our faith to have free course i.e it must flow. We stand a chance of being in extinction if our lives lose the power of it’s appeal which is faith, the want thing the worl lacks that makes us stand out from them is faith it is the one thing missing from their puzzle, it is the reason why chaos reigns,
Faith brings peace, clarity and assurance, faith is a profession and an attainment faith is a reality and a lifestyle, I have struggled so much because I was weak to exercise my faith and the devil capitalized on that, I thought the faith life was hard but as I reinvigorated myself in the word God was able to show me that my natural existence and response should be that of faith, all I am saying is, if we don’t make it a duty to live by faith, we would suffer many things, emotional depression, lack of power, fear, confusion and so many others it is my believe that all we are re quired of in this world is to exhibit GOD (Faith). Faith is not positive confession, Faith is assurance and confidence to pursue a particular course of an action even when things are not going in the direction it is meant to go, Faith is the very nature of things. What madeit difficult to live by faith was the fact that we were taught faith, or we perceived faith wrongly we were taught faith with a worldly mind set we were taught that faith is only active in prayer, and when we want to make large requests from God like getting a contract, or travelling out buying a car, we held on to the wrong concepts, faith to us was just a means to an end unknowing to us faith was the very life we live, our daily journey is earmarked as faith. 

So we misunderstood faith, and like every new thing faith what with the wrong misconception but then later it began to crack, gradually there were walls in our believe system, some of us it tore us apart, but we stayed in faith embracing faith, while some were totally torn from the faith, few it is that survived this barrage on their believe, they went back to their closet and humbled themselves before God, and sought his help the result was a transformation into a triumphant living.

Faith is not just walking on waters, faith is carrying God around everywhere you go, and him enabling you to do the impossible from being able to withstand persecution to commanding results 

@sealmissions,  @pstdebodunamis

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