Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Love Always Wins

This weekend,

I can’t help but write the events of this weekend. So surprising that I can finally lay hold of and grasp the truth. When I saw how magnanimous God had being in my life for he had being speaking to me in detail concerning the things I pondered over, the truth truly sets free. At a stage of my life my confidence in God had diminished because I had tampered with my fellowship and my consecration. But now I am fully in love with God and I know the truth that he cares. Edumare! Opemipo lodore (Almighty God I have so many things to thank you for). Not just that he cares but also that he loves me and has lavished His love on me.
What I really want to talk about is the fallibility of man and the role love plays in this fall. I have heard it being said many times that God doesn't hate us but he hates our sin. So if God loves us what then is the problem? This weekend I got to love more! though I was lied to and I was despised, made jest of, I was scorned, but I kept my heart intact and learnt how to perfect love, despite all what was done against me I learnt to love more, why would I not love when I knew I had no other option but to do so. Can you hate yourself? I had being following Jesus Christ, why would his life not reflect in me? Man! Man never wants to own up. We always defend ourselves. 
What if I tell you I’m the perfect man! I have full course to do so. If I make such a claim I’ll be right but no matter how right I am, I will never forget that man in the flesh is fallible!!!
I have expressed severally my philosophy of love but I never knew how strong it was until it started breaking walls. I don’t know how many more of hurt I can take before the heart refuses to love again but I will love unconditional. I will love not for what to gain but I will love for what to give. I once told someone I love you, but I will be happier if another man takes your heart. My love for you is intact regardless of the choice or choices you make. Can we love genuinely and selflessly, love not to take but to give and if there is a possibility of taking then you do; love is best served when it is selfless.
I want to go over the events of this weekend again. Mixing spirituality with carnality always has a negative effect and I saw first hand how the laws of divinity where broken and the cross of Christ made of none effect. We are the ones who diminish the message of Christ when we mix Christianity with carnality, whatever structures that the spirit of God builds can be torn down by carnality.
It is so sad to see the effects of our misapplication of Christ. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3; I could not speak unto you as unto mature sons but as unto babes because you are yet carnal. What did he mean? He says you fight, you compete, and you instigate quarrels. Are you not carnal! I have learnt a lot this week and then still I was the teacher. I also learnt, because a teacher never stops learning. I learnt love knows no bounds and it can’t be restricted, I learnt love breaks every barriers and opens every door. Because love is pure it outlasts everything. When you love nothing can stop your love, scandals can’t stop it, love is unlimited, it can never be diminished. You can keep hiding but one day love will expose all your thoughts.
 Love always wins! The enlightenment continues...

 I am one raised solely for the purpose of the body. Inspired to feed the body of Christ 


Encounter is a labor room, Encounter is the birthplace of sons, the vision of encounter is to recruit kingdom workers, it’s like a launch pad, where power is generated and ministries birthed. Encounter is an event that seeks to increase awareness on the need of more gospel workers.
Encounter started Feb 17 2010! It began with a heavenly visitation and an anointing of the head. All I remember was that before I had the encounter I was a normal boy but after the encounter I became a different man with vision and clarity. I became hungrier for God. As the vial of oil was poured upon my head by Jesus Christ I felt cold sensations and heat sensations at the same time. It was as if my flesh was alive and boiling in my body I could feel heat, but around my surroundings I felt cold. I saw Jesus I can't forget those eyes they were transparent and translucent you could see inside them and they were also glowing, His silver like whitish hair that was shining, did I also tell you that gazing at those eyes felt like gazing straight into a flame. And that I could see myself in him, I was so conscious of my weakness but he assured me of his presence that he would be with him if I stayed with him. The appearance of Jesus was like that of a refiner’s fire, as I stood in his presence I was being purified and energized. 

Since the time I had this encounter, ministry started, it was automatic! Although before then I was a Sunday school and bible study teacher and was also involved in the teens and children evangelism ministry through school visitors, but it was after then I began to minister with powers with visible manifestations and signs.
Enormous amount of energy is required for a rocket to be launched out into orbit so likewise encounter is a program soaked with the energy of God and the power of God for launching out, with diverse manifestations of the spirit, you are sure to locate your own place in the assemblage of the righteous. There is a quickening spirit that facilitates the life of God into a soul, it’s an awakening!!!
Men will awaken to their call and gifts, an in-gathering of souls for the purpose of ministry. It’s a birth place of revival, where people cry out with one voice, one soul, one thought and one purpose to God. We want to see your kingdom come Spirit Break Out!! There will be heavy manifestations of God’s presence and a quickening of God’s mind, purpose and plans into believers, it would be a taking up of arms, it would be a raising up of an army unto God to plunder the kingdom of darkness. It would be an earnest seeking of believers, a downpour of God’s glory (power), an activation of the spirit life, an embracing of spiritual principles, a building up, a major shakeup of the sinful life (carnal). It’s a Revival, a birthing of sons, an upholding of righteousness, an adoption of the spirit life and an embracing of life eternal. That mortality might be swallowed up by life, a growing unto maturity, an earnestness.

It would be said of us after encounter that the zeal of God’s house has eating us up. The reality of the life of God will open to us. We will walk in his consciousness and live in this consciousness. We will be helped; our souls will be refreshed because of this Light. We would no longer wander in darkness because the life of God will be revealed unto us and we would embrace it. Encounter is a fire conference, a lighting of torches, a setting off of flames, a setting ablaze, an ignition and spread of holy flames from the altar down to the pews. An empowerment, a victorious living, a triumphant life, a journey into Holiness, a growing deeper, a burrowing of roots, a sp read of tentacles, an assimilation, a bearing of fruits, a reward of diligence and years of earnest seeking. The power of God would be so mighty to release gifts, ministries, mantles and to deliver men. It would be a reward of faithfulness. A journey into God, a life of pursuit, a reward of excellence, an habitation of Heaven’s Host, a breaking forth, a harbinger of success, a distribution of wealth, a entering into prosperity.
Encounter would be all that God wants it to be. There will be an increase in finance, wealth and prosperity for the work of the ministry there would be a spread of millionaires after this meeting because God would entrust his resources to those he knows would make good use of it, television ministries would be birthed radio stations, would be launched. The life of God would be celebrated. O! Holiness would be our watchword. A life of purity will be exalted, nations will be birthed, prophecies would be released, the deaf will hear, the dumb will speak, the lame would walk and the dead would be raised up back to life, there would be a perfecting of the saints an everlasting reward, a revealing of secrets, destinies would be launched. Mothers will be born, there would be a holy hunger and a reverence for God and for sacred things, instruments of worship will be consecrated, boldness and confidence would increase. Encounter would be a koinonia, a place of intimacy.
 Make sure you are at Encounter 2015, that’s all I can say! Let the countdown begin! As at when this write up was published 73 more days to encounter Feb 5 – 8 2015.

You can also become a part of encounter by supporting us.

on twitter @debodunamismins, @pstdebodunamis.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I've witnessed so many things to put me off and discourage me.

I have always wondered what makes up a broken heart, but really my heart has not really been broken except for once... I remembered asking a girl out but then she was 16 and I was 21 so I told her how I loved her and would love us to be together... But since I was a perfect gentle man I told her I was willing to wait till she was 18. I don't think I have ever falling such in love before, even now.
I was surprised to receive a shock on the eve of her 18th  year in the world that she was in a relationship, and it had been ongoing... I was ripped apart, it tore my heart into shreds, I never was my self, I cried, I was depressed... Because we had shared a lot together... But then that was a long time about seven years. Hmm...

Yea! I have broken someone's heart also... And I'm yet to recover from hurting such a precious soul because I can still feel the heart in my hands... Maybe more than one. But I've learnt my lesson and stopped awakening love.

This year I had an opportunity to toil with several hearts but then I bared the burden of self control so that my emotions could be productively channelled.

I have watched a friend suffer as her heart was severely battered by so called Honourable men. I have
had so many ladies close their heart because they don't trust certain men. Sometimes I'm scared to express my heart because I believe I fall in the category of those certain men. But then this ladies are not to blame for my sufferings...

It is THEM... The men who entered innocently into this hearts and left seeds of bitterness brewing... The extent of the damage can not be quantified. Maybe I invite a friend to share with you what has been done to her. Someone once cursed me and wished me Dead. I never understood, but it was the hurt the pain, Of having your hopes raised and then being dashed the Hope of Having your Perfect Dream and it being taking away.
I never blame them. I do not complain if it takes two years for your heart to heal. But then you need to allow it heal so it might grow seeds of love again.

But I'm here to tell you to let go, let go of the PAST, let go of cruelty (not as if you are cruel but let go of the hurt that cruelty inflicted). Now I knew I was mean and selfish... How can I just move on with life when I see you suffering this much... I feel I'm responsible so I stay stagnant as long as you are stagnant... Cos I've vowed to only move forward when you've found Happiness once again. Can I understand how hurt works. Or the effect the pain has. I do not know how real your pain is. But I knew of one who almost committed suicide for what I did. I feel terrible sometimes cos I'm to blame. In order to become Happy I sacrificed your own Happiness.

But then... now I kinda have an opportunity to make amends. You see I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes for your heart to heal and grow to love again. For then... And only then will I be able to move on. I've long ago giving up on my agenda! Now all effort is geared towards making you recover and discover love once again. The purity of love. I take the blame for your hurt. If a man inflicted this pain then I take responsibility, For it is a man also that will take you away from the pain.

The pain might not disappear but the pain can become powerless i.e have no effect on you again. Jesus specialises in taking men away from their pain if they will allow him, that's why he said come unto me. When you come unto him you are taking away from the pain.

Please Men stop playing with a ladies heart, and Ladies stop playing with a guys heart, enough flirting. Flirting has aroused and crushed many a heart. Be a gentle man go straight to the point. If u realise you don't keep to ur words. Don't make promises. Do not awaken love when u r not ready.

Do not use your beauty to manipulate or get cheap attention.

We are in this together baby... I know you might have lost faith in gentlemen. But I have come to restore faith in the race of men. Especially Sons of Issachar. I love you... I do, I love you with all my heart and I hate to see you suffer it hurts. I know what you are going through.
I've known since... I'm willing to empathise with you but then it is advisable to move on. Can't wait to see you full of life again.

In as much as I wanna carry your burden away there's a brother who does that perfectly well: His name is Jesus.

N.B how can you feel happy with yourself knowing your happiness was built on taking someone else's Happiness. How can you feel Joy when so many hearts have been battered by you. Let's exchange our selfishness for selflessness and our immaturity for maturity. How can you bear to be in the same room with someone who's heart you have broken and act as if nothing's wrong.

My greatest desire is to be someone who God can trust to mend broken hearts. I have seized advocating my agenda(though it's not easy) to pursue other people's agenda. As long as I know what you want, I'll help you get it. I have seen the powerful effect of JOY to a soul, and I'll always like to have that. For me JOY is d greatest gift I can give a man.


Hello sir, I love your piece on manhood! It's so radical and inspiring, full of energy and hope. Very vital! But sir sincerely I'm scared that there where revolutionary undertone! The type that broke up china and the type that destroyed the tsarism of Russia! The type that annihilated the French royal family.

My Fear is that it is easier said than done. Actually I'm reluctant to share this with you, cos I love your write ups and respect you a lot. I've been following and our Facebook friendship dates back a while now. The thing is I must voice out my concerns from the voice of the spirit.
It's not everything you said I have problem with! I agree we need to fight and not keep quiet we need to voice our opinion! But of late God had being making me to understand the power and importance of spiritual warfare 2 Corinthians 10:3; "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal!..." You may complete it and continue till verse 4, But what I wanna point out is that the weapons are not carnal yes! Carnal.

When a man shouts, screams, carries arms, placard, engages in civil disobedience and still does not see the change he wants then he becomes tired and frustrated and asks questions what is really happening, are things not bigger than  anticipated!
The right of every believer to fight is recognised! Just that we do not fight carnally (and by carnally I mean we do not fight expending our strength!) Elijah fought! Moses did, Jesus did too. But not physically Samuel did too.

Elijah did not fight with any carnal weapons he fought with Prayer! James 5:17-18; "And Elijah prayed and it did not rain, and Elijah prayed again and it rained look at this great influence!"  Moses went to Pharaoh to protest when Pharaoh refused he went to God! And prayed, he prayed down the plagues that forced down the hand of Pharaoh and Even killed Egyptian first sons! Jesus didn't go about protesting it was as he was preaching and teaching that he spoke against the leaders the Pharisees! Jesus did not go out with his own agenda! His mandate led him to speak against evil, he was speaking against evil to make people feel better or realise they had a defender. Whenever he was persecuted or challenged he spoke against those that challenged him.  Jesus understood spiritual warfare that was why he said those that live by the sword shall die by the sword.

You see there is a better way to fight the system sir! And it's called intercession! Now that God has awakened you to the oppression of his people you need to engage the Lord and find out how to go about this.
Remember... 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.
"When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
This scripture brought me to reality, that the reason why chaos persists is that the body of Christ has not taking their rightful positions. If only we realise the earth is ours for the taking.. If we are passionate enough to take up the cause of this nation as ours, then we would get solutions...

Humility is key to the change we need, actually we can talk all we want, but we might never get the results we want because we feel to big to beseech God and intercede.

If God has put in your heart a burden for this nation, seek his face to know how he wants you to fight, and remember we do not war after the flesh, for our weapons of warfare are not carnal.

 God Bless Nigeria!!!