Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What then is Faith? (#Encounter Series 2) Heb 11:1

I Stand to be corrected but most of the times the reason why Christians sin is a lack of faith, they have not yet realized that it is through faith you stop sinning. You only ascribe and agree with God that what He says is true, faith is agreeing with God. Living powerfully in faith, we would not sin because we see ourselves exactly the same way God sees us, that means we have not believed in the power of Jesus to save us utterly from sin completely, we are making the grace of Jesus untrue frustrating the grace.

What is Faith? Is Faith a believe system. Is Faith a prayer tool, is Faith one of the many gifts of God, or is Faith just what we know it to be. What exactly is your understanding of faith, how do you see faith, is Faith deprived of its very power in your life. If you are confused about faith I advice you to seek understanding and revelation will flood your face. But this is faith, the resurrected life. That jesus Christ came and lived a certain way and recommended such a life for us, so that we may live triumphantly, that we may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable to his death. Brethren without his resurrection power we are nothing, I mean we are nothing, Faith is a life and Faith is also Living. Knowing Jesus is Faith, I am not talking about reading Jesus or getting acquainted with him, I mean knowing Jesus. There is no way you would know Jesus and not produce Faith, it is impossible. 

I pray God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he would give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him. Revelation and power for living only comes from knowing him, so we see that we might all be able to shout that I may know him. But remember each time you shout that I may know him you are actually saying give me faith, as we sing this song give me jesus. Each time we cry that I may know him, give me jesus, we are actually shouting I need faith, I am desperate for faith. When we understand the position of faith in our lives we would know how to pray the right prayer, our cry won’t be give me this or give me that it would be give me faith.
When we are facing a crisis it would be give me faith, when we are broken it would be give me faith, when we are struggling or entangled with sin, it would be give me faith. It is the absence of faith, or the taking of our eyes away from faith that makes us to struggle, not as though if you have faith things won’t go wrong, but rather it is the presence of faith that makes us to triumph in every of our pursuit. So we can also say faith is the triumphant life. Faith is huge and it is all encompassing, it is a life. First a building of a relationship before it becomes a making of a demand. Faith is entirely spiritual, and it is wholly satisfying, but it demands a lot of attention, knowing Christ requires that.

I believe that with this I have being a blessing, more is coming on the subject of faith, this has being my life long research knowing what faith is, I started this search when I began to see cracks in the message of faith, I saw that even though we were told to get acquainted with Christ, it was to get acquainted with Christ so one can get results, I realize now that things are not so. This series is produced to promote encounter 2016, avail yourself by coming for the program as men of God come in to share their life on the journey of faith Encounter 2016 coming soon…. Be prepared plan to attend.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Faith (#Encounter series) Heb 11:1

I have been crucified with Christ the nevertheless I live, the  life I now live I live by faith for faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen, for by faith the heavens were formed calling those things that be not as though were for by faith the world was framed and all that we see were brought into existence, life was created by faith. Even though we are not yet raised with the lord. We live in the resuurection life with the hope of Christ coming when our incorruptible body will 
be exchanged for incorruptible body, the work in our Christian walk is Faith, even though we have access to everything by grace we receive them and see their manifestation by faith. Faith is our legal tender we need to constantly strive to live by faith. We must keep Christ in our consciousness and allow our faith to have free course i.e it must flow. We stand a chance of being in extinction if our lives lose the power of it’s appeal which is faith, the want thing the worl lacks that makes us stand out from them is faith it is the one thing missing from their puzzle, it is the reason why chaos reigns,
Faith brings peace, clarity and assurance, faith is a profession and an attainment faith is a reality and a lifestyle, I have struggled so much because I was weak to exercise my faith and the devil capitalized on that, I thought the faith life was hard but as I reinvigorated myself in the word God was able to show me that my natural existence and response should be that of faith, all I am saying is, if we don’t make it a duty to live by faith, we would suffer many things, emotional depression, lack of power, fear, confusion and so many others it is my believe that all we are re quired of in this world is to exhibit GOD (Faith). Faith is not positive confession, Faith is assurance and confidence to pursue a particular course of an action even when things are not going in the direction it is meant to go, Faith is the very nature of things. What madeit difficult to live by faith was the fact that we were taught faith, or we perceived faith wrongly we were taught faith with a worldly mind set we were taught that faith is only active in prayer, and when we want to make large requests from God like getting a contract, or travelling out buying a car, we held on to the wrong concepts, faith to us was just a means to an end unknowing to us faith was the very life we live, our daily journey is earmarked as faith. 

So we misunderstood faith, and like every new thing faith what with the wrong misconception but then later it began to crack, gradually there were walls in our believe system, some of us it tore us apart, but we stayed in faith embracing faith, while some were totally torn from the faith, few it is that survived this barrage on their believe, they went back to their closet and humbled themselves before God, and sought his help the result was a transformation into a triumphant living.

Faith is not just walking on waters, faith is carrying God around everywhere you go, and him enabling you to do the impossible from being able to withstand persecution to commanding results 

@sealmissions,  @pstdebodunamis

Monday, November 2, 2015

Free Spirit

I stood in church as i watched her worship
It was so intense yet passionate
It was not an emotional one
It was direct and straight to business. 
She took us in and outta God's presence 
Almost like she knew where we wanted to go 
She was direct and precise
She erased every thought of lingering
And she didn't leave us perspiring for more after she was done
It was absolute, it was like she fed us full
Weaving us through different genres of songs
Fast and slow, loud and solemn
As if she knew our minds
And yet she made us follow her tune
At the end we wanted what she wanted, 
Her thirst was our thirst and her desire was our desire
When she stopped we stopped
When she sang we joined in
When she danced we danced
All we wanted was what she had to give

N.B This is not a love poem it is just an expression of my delight at being satisfied in worship.

follow @pstdebodunamis on twitter
facebook.com/Debo Oyelade

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Being struggling with God not as if I had lost touch with God but I had lost confidence, some series of events led to that but this night amidst all the confusion and cloudiness I could see clearly and hear clearly. I realized that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than I can ever imagine, and it saves to the uttermost, that I cannot save myself and that I died when he died and resurrected also when he did, that I am no longer living for myself. I am crucified with Christ, my life is no longer mine. I can’t use it as I desire I am another’s. It also dawned on me that I have access to God’s presence and that I have influence with him, this gives me the sense that i can stand in the presence of God without having a fear of inferiority. I am righteous!

 My access to God’s presence was paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ and the access to God I have is eternal. I also have access to the things of God. It means I can enter the presence of God freely and I can take things in and outta his presence. My access to God is freedom of passage, my access to God makes me to have influence with God.

My influence with God means I can take request into God’s presence and get them granted, I can take my own request and also someone else’s. this gives the mind that God would always grant my request, The blood of Jesus Christ qualifies me for all of this. I know this the more I acknowledge and access God’s presence the more confident I am, the easier it is to get things from his presence, when I get familiar with God’s presence by way of fellowship I begin to exude a confidence that stems from my access and frequency in God’s presence and knowing full well that God will never withhold anything from me makes me more confident, I practically want to throw the weight of the world upon him. God loves us and knows what we need he answers us based on what we need and by his love. Sometimes his love prevents him from being prompt to answer us,  because all we need is never a burden for God. The blood of Jesus is a surplus and it keeps flowing. We should come to God and access is presence with the mind that God can do beyond our abilities, imaginations because God specializes in doing beyond our expectation, if we open our eyes properly and see that God’s surplus is more than our demands, he is ready to waste it all but his love would not allow us to harm us. God won’t be good to us if is goodness would bring harm to us or if being good to us would destroy us, He’ll rather wait till we can handle the good.
I stand on these that every time we ask God, he can do beyond our expectation, I also believe that whatsoever God decides to do is the best, fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit brings increase in the knowledge of God and also makes us to be able to have access to God and discern His Will.

You receive more from God when you trust and obey him, not because your works are what motivates God to bless but because God has already blessed us, God has blessed some principles, so invariably when we obey them we receive the blessings attached to them, that’s why it is preached that when you obey God he’ll bless you when you follow him he’ll reward you, he’s not just rewarding he has rewarded, we just saw it or just received it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Deep To Deep The Hearts cry for fellowship.

July 31, 2013 at 9:24am
The emptiness in us 

The longing of our heart for love and the desire in our hearts for companionship is as a result of our missing fellowship with God. We are looking for a way to fill that void. Some of us that have married and are in a relationship realise that companionship does not satisfy that deep desire longing in your heart, because when you lie down none of you knows what goes through the other person's heart. All we do is try to bridge the gap, have a common ground. No matter the number of relationships we enter into and the company we keep, we'll still see that that longing is still there. For me it is the desire for someone to see me as I am to see that my intentions are good to see the passion in my heart, to see how much rate I put into work, no matter how much I put into making people see me they just don't interpret me very well. I have come to realise that Christ is the only one that can know one as one should be fully known. He actually knows us more than we know ourselves. Many of us have given our hearts to him but it seems that is not enough. 
You see society has defined the number of time we can spend with our loved ones with the advent of work and entertainment. A working class husband cannot spend more than 4 solid hours with his wife because sleep requires his attention, tv also craves for attention, Phone and social media are also lining up. So we see even when we realise that Christ is the only one that can quench our thirst. Society will never allow us spend adequate time with him.

So our dissatisfaction continues even with Christ...
Our Priority determines to what extent the void in our hearts will be filled. sacrifice will work. What are we willing to sacrifice? to get the optimum satisfaction we want from our relationship with Christ. There is an amount of time we will spend with him that will satisfy and carry us through the day. What are we willing to sacrifice?? 

Actually in his original intent he meant for us to lose face Luke 9:23 deny yourself, cross carried daily and follow me. Matt 11:28-30 come with your heavy burden and yoke I'll help you with them. But in exchange for those heavy burden and yoke take my yoke and learn of me. It is easy and light. 
