is an expression and then you act what you feel not in the exact same way of
the feeling but in a way that helps to release the hormones attached to that
feeling. Our feelings or emotions are actually storage of hormones epinephrine,
progesterone and testosterone e.t.c. So then what did I learn again tonight
that I had been taught before and I forgot? God taught me in a strange way how
to express love for him and feel satisfied. And I realized it was something I
knew that I hadn't really practiced and thought of consciously. I had been
influenced by secular culture unknowingly and I felt that was all there is, but
there was also the other side of love. You cannot love by feeling it, you love
through expression. Love is an action
not a feeling. This is the challenge with many people’s love they claim to love
because they feel it. But then they are handicapped because they do not know
how to show it. That’s not love that’s infatuation. Any love that ends with feelings alone is not
love. If you feel something and you can’t express it then you feel nothing. We
are not awarded marks for having ideas; we are awarded marks for expressing our
ideas. No matter how much our brain lights up we can’t be taken serious until
we reveal what is in there.
I want to propose a theory that all the aspects of love have a piece of unconditionally
in them. For example: agape, philia, storge and eros. Philia is family or
friendship love, what real man or woman would not eventually forgive his sons
or friends of wrong they had done. What true romantic love is not embedded in
forgiveness and compromises? So we all have the ability to love
other side of love is the agape, the selfless self serving. Agape is love in
action, Love in service. We might have lost a bit of the glory of love because
of modernization and enlightenment. Now this is what happened to me, I had just
finished listening to a message and it exposed the weakness of my heart, I want
to love God more I know I do love him but yet I wasn't satisfied because deep
in my heart I didn't feel the love enough. As I was praying I started to cry.
It was as if I was faced with the love of Christ literally but my love was not
found, it was like Christ was saying this is my love where is yours?

faith in the love of Christ is where many seem to fail, because they are not
ready to experience the totality of Christ’s love, as long as we don’t believe
in Christ’s love there will always be a feeling of inadequacy. Responding to
Christ’s love is simple, it’s by faith. The love of Christ is shed abroad in
our hearts by the Holy Ghost. If we are born again the love of Christ is in our
hearts. It is the Holy Ghost that administers Christ’s Love according to our
faith. Someone who Christ’s love drives crazy will never experience this
feeling of inadequacy. I have also come to realize that this feeling of
inadequacy we feel towards God does not originate from our sinfulness but from
our relationship with our earthly parents especially our fathers. Go and mark
it, if you see anyone who has a good relationship with his father such a person
will naturally carry this kind of mentality into his relationship with God.
Many of us have being deprived of a father’s love when we needed it most so in
a way when we heard God can also become our father we naturally switched this
mentality into our relationship with God. So each time we go into his presence
we go with the feeling of inadequacy and also expecting to be rebuked for all
the wrongs but we've forgotten that no one condemns us again. We have a perfect
conscience before God through Christ Jesus.
most profound thing I learnt is that our love for Christ is expressed as we
love others first and also as we worship him.
You can contact me through
Email: debooyelade@gmail.com

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