Friday, May 30, 2014


In Him(Jesus) was Life and the Life is the light of men, this was the discussion of our Bible study. John 1:4

I had prepared this verse with Matthew 5:16 in mind, Just referred to Light as the personality of change, but while teaching this verse God gave me a different Revelation of the life of light. Please follow me through the scripture with full cooperation with the Holy Spirit, Let the Holy Spirit Illuminate the word so that you can Partake of life of Light and become a delight to the world.

In him Jesus was Life and the Life was the light of men, the phenomenon or thing or personality referred to as light in man is called life in Jesus why is that so? Because Life when it entered into man brought about a change and the change was that darkness was expelled.

 The Workings of Life in man is what makes It to be referred to as LIGHT. The source of Life is Jesus, since there is no darkness in God, Life has nothing to contend with in Jesus. Life found in Jesus it's natural habitat. But when Life enters man it has changed environment and likewise it's function changes. Life (Eternal Life) when it enters man Changes Function.
Since Man was in Darkness, a chaotic mass of Mess, the Introduction of Life brought about a shakeup. Because of the magnitude of Life, Darkness couldn't stand Life, so it ran away, disappeared. Darkness can't have the slightest idea about the makeup of Life. After Life had overpowered Darkness and expelled it, The function that Life performed in expelling Darkness is called Illumination. Hence Life in man is referred to as Light. Because the Number one characteristics of Light is to expel Darkness.

So therefore when men saw Darkness defeated and expelled they exclaimed Light! by recognising Life in man as Light, man invariably fulfils Matthew 5:16 which when men recognised the fruits of Light they gave glory to God. The Life of Jesus which is eternal life when it enters man becomes Light, and this Light is not meant to only illuminate but also to spread, to become contagious, to increase grow and abound, Because in the natural habitat of Life it was successful, content, it had nothing to contend with, but when it came to man it started a journey of conquest. The reason why Light spreads is because it can't stand Darkness, anywhere it gets to, it must dominate.

Since Life is actively at work on earth it is given the task of Liberating man from darkness such a work is Known as Illumination. It's working on Earth is now referred to as Light. So has "Light" we must shine, we must manifest our Existence. It's only natural for Light to reign where there is darkness, hence the darker the world the easier it is for Light to shine. So when the world is full of sin and chaos and all sorts of Evil, you shouldn't be bothered. The world by becoming chaotic is only screaming for help, It's shouting I need Light where is Light? Where is Light? Darkness does not oppose Light.
As the underlying scripture says

And the Light Shines in Darkness and the Darkness could not comprehend (Understand, Decipher, Decode) it. John 1:5

It's only Natural For Light to shine in Darkness. Light Can't be Afraid of Darkness but Darkness must be afraid of Light. The Presence Of Light refers to the Extinction(Annihilation) of Darkness.


Write for Feedback! Questions are welcomed.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


This morning I woke up to tweet Bring back our girls The Hash tag that is changing the world, I was just so lost for words, I actually searched my medulla oblongata for hints of the composition, the popular one is #bringbackourgirls there is also bringourgirlshome, #bringourgirlsback but I seem not to find the right composure to tweet my thoughts and to crown it, this morning unlike every other mornings when I tweeted I couldn't find the right suggestions I became so confused and asked God what was happening he just gave me this song God is fighting for us pushing back the darkness lighting up the kingdom that cannot be shaken in the name of Jesus enemies defeated and we will shout it out, shout it out,(copyright darlene zscech)  it seemed he was passing the message #OurGirlsAreComingHome.

The power of harsh tags; that's the message, our girls are coming home definitely. BokoHaram have Te. They have swallowed more than they can chew, they love attention so they'll get it. As Pharoah, Osama Bin laden, Sadam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi were created for destruction to bring the glory and praise of God, So also Boko Haram. Rejoice fellow Nigerians our victory has come. It became expedient for me to address this issue and revive weary hearts and also share my optimism. From now on I will no longer tag #BringBackOurGirls My Tags are #OurGirlsAreComing and #HurrayOurGirlsAreHome. This is my own little contribution to these cause! The destruction of #BokoHaram.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Many times I've wondered why I give so much and gotten little in return, in order to proof my Point I went off shouting REDAMANCY, as if I was the only one who's been hurt and who's not being served right. All I wanted was fairness, to get what I have given. is that too much to ask? I don't think so. What kinda mean people do we have nowadays I reasoned! they say something and mean the other thing. My heart had become my greatest asset so I had become careful and conscious who I gave it to, after suffering a considerable number of heartbreaks I reasoned I ought to be careful those that I trust my heart with.

N.B Mind you I suffer heart breaks more from friends than relationships.

My heart became so precious and heavily guarded. But still the pain was there cos I wanted to be understood and loved which is not bad...

But seriously of recent I've been whining about how unfair this whole business with the heart is until with heaviness of heart I stood before the altar of the most high and he let me.

After all my tantrums I seem to hear him ask are u faithful? Rationalising my thought as if he knew I had the right answer, he looked straight @ me are u always faithful, then I paused... Well if it's that I've being unfaithful a couple of times.

As I dwelt more in his presence I seem to see a picture of Jesus also shouting REDAMANCY.

Then I thought if anyone should ask for REDAMANCY it is Jesus. But he doesn't keep a record of wrong, He can't even remember you've hurt him when you've hurt him.

If you claim Agape can't be compared to eros, go and ask a woman who came back from work 6pm and cooks for her husband who would arrive 8pm. And he rejects her food and still yet she cooks again, even though it's not convenient.

How many times have you sinned? You claim life is unfair have you being fare to God. You think God understands, and u continue unfaithfulness.

It might shock you to know even those who chose hell God loves them and he still does. They where the ones who rejected him, not him rejecting the.m remember! For God so loved the world, even those who reject him he still loves.

I wonder how he manages heartache I could learn a thing or two from that. It's precisely my point, God would do anything to save man even when man rejects salvation God still loves a one.

Just recently I was praying and the name of a lady who hurt me came to mind and anger welled up in me and there was this prompting to pray for her so I did, and I found out that I loved her so dearly cos I spent so much time praying for her.  Then I realised in every true believer if we allow God to lead the terms of Unconditionalty is very strong.