Friday, September 12, 2014


Am about to make many people laugh!

I was reading through The Revivalist and the story of John Wesley so captured me, but there was a part of the story my heart delighted more in than the others. Sophie, Grace and Molly!

This where the three women involved in Wesley's life. I will briefly relate the love triangle and share the love story with everyone.
John Wesley, by Far the greatest influence on modern day Christianity missed a spot and it wasn't because he couldn't discern well but it was because he hesitated and let opportunity pass him by!

Maybe Sophie wouldn't have being the best Bride but Grace certainly would have, and one wonders what delayed him from tieing the knot. One funny story is that of Charles Finney who married his bride and continued with ministry he married her while on the road on evangelistic tours and sent her home.

One wonders why John Wesley couldn't take the same route with Grace. When she married John Bennett, I was so distraught. it was as if I was reading Francine or Karen. But then it wouldn't have happened if not for the treachery of Charles. So painful and unbelievable Charles and John almost severed ties, if not for the quick intervention of George Whitefield. Still one would rue the delay of John as being similar to that of Sophie! While Sophie was stuck to John like glue! Grace was torn between the two Johns. But John Wesley had the upper hand because she confessed it, but then indecision. While I certainly considered the marriage to Molly a tragedy, considering the impact of John Wesley.
I certainly know that God will not help you make a decision you are meant to make. God won't help you tie your shoe or choose a life partner he could lead, direct or guide you to her but you still ve to accept and make the decision he won't help you say yes. You have to say it yourself.

While sometimes things are clear, sometimes God tests your preferences!

I am gifted I certainly do know that, I used to pride myself as having the perfect ear cause I could hear God speak audibly and clearly with rapid frequency, but then there was a time it all suddenly stopped there was blackout nothing not even a whistle.
I suffered because I was used to hearing voices and I based my life on it, many nights I cried because I stood still, I became stagnant devil rejoiced and took advantage.

But then I got tired of being defeated. I started first to read books and I started to apply simple wisdom. I stopped living mystically. I continued like this and then moved to my Bible, I got so conversant with my Bible that I used the bible as my only source of guidance, if I wanted direction and guidance I went to the verse talking bout it and I meditated.

This continued and then my confidence began to grow back. I no longer wished to hear voices, but then I realised that sometimes when I'm faced with a decision and I'm about to do manual search God drops the exact scripture in my heart and I get my answer easily. This way God helped me and freed me of every laziness toward his word.

Because I could hear God I neglected my Bible, God taught me a very profound lesson on how to hear him through his word. Now I base every decision on his word not even on how I feel or what I hear but by his words. The verses he gives does the magic.

I felt John should have clearly wrapped up Graces case like Charles Finney did to his wife, when he realised he couldn't do a proper marriage he married her on the road and continued with his ministry.
Just so sad! He had a tragic marriage. But then he could have prevented it.

Let's stop using the past to determine the future. Yesterday and today are two different things. That it happened this way does not mean it would happen that way.

As I close I wanna leave us with a scripture. That I got when I made the first move to enter a relationship in a Godly way. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God; that we might know those things that are freely giving unto us. 1 Corinthians  2:12

Now you see that we might know those things that are freely giving to us was what struck me the most, And that guided every relationship I embarked upon. I might have interpreted it in an absurd way, but it worked. Because I can be a clown sometimes, I only went after people I knew I had a chance with, when someone seemed to be beyond my powers, the feelings scram without being told to do so.
That way my heart was safe, that was my own foolish interpretation but then I knew it was beyond that, God was telling me there are things I've placed within your ability exercise your authority.

I feel so sorry for John Wesley but then he's dead and that was about 300 Years ago. You might be in the same shoes John Wesley was borrow wisdom.

I don't wanna make mistake, I don't wanna make mistake and eventually we end up doing so. I believe we fear making mistake than we trust God to step out in Faith. If you are someone that is used to stepping out in faith you can never make mistake, If you are not you will probably still do so despite your caution. The word is in your hand. You cannot prevent mistakes by being cautious you can only prevent mistakes by being precise

You must know those things freely giving to you. Such things must be founded on Godly principles. that is truly what it means to walk in God's Will.

What am I saying in essence some decisions Just need common sense.


 I think the toughest thing for us youths is to discern the will of God. I think the most confusing challenge a youth has to face is "Discerning".

How did we get here?

I searched my heart for answers but I keep stumbling upon puzzles! So I briefly would like to share my latest study and really hope sincere contributions will be made.

Galatians 5:22 but the fruits of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance: against such there is no law.

Why are there more Joke of a Christian out there?









And the list is endless. How did we become like this!

How come two brothers are fighting over a Sister and they both said they heard GOD. How come a Pastor sees a vision and shares it and prophesies and the prophecy never comes to pass. How come our decision making is wrong.

How come our leaders encourage us to support the wrong politician.

How come a man is told that he should give his life to Christ and that after he does is Biz will boom! Instead when he does things are for the worst.

How come God said, seems more dangerous than suicide bomb(#BH)

I began to search scripture and analyse my own failings and I came to a series of conclusion.

The Grace of God that brings salvation as appeared to all men teaching them that denying ungodliness and worldly Lust we should live soberly, righteously and Godly in this present world,

No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

It pleased God to send Jesus to us and show us a pattern for Living and the apostles as firstfruits of that life, and we've being giving the same scripts.

But over time the majority have settled for less and the minority have settled for more.

How did we get here, How did entanglement become our greater lot, How did lust master our body?

How did we lose the inner witness, or the leading of the spirit.I forgot to add to my list: Pride

Someone said pride is not only when you are puffy, but it is pride also to wallow in pity when God as forgiven you. It is pride to prefer condemnation over Liberty, to prefer sin over righteousness.

Hrgh!!! So how did we get here!
I don't know where to start but it has something to do with Fear, carelessness, care-freeness, nonchalance, laziness, carnality, strive, lust.

All this the apostles warned us against but we seemed to be cool with them and accommodate them, it's almost a myth to have totally clean thoughts throughout the day! Without fear, doubt and lust creeping in.

I ask again how did we get here?
When has it being this hard to hear from God. Or to walk by faith. While some Liberate us not to fear, to be bold and take giant strides without really spelling the whole to us nor teaching us how to land safely, Others seem to paint a picture of fear feasting on stories of those who didn't finish strong, such stories are sweet, because they flow in rhetorics.

The divorce, the suicides, the embezzlement, the homosexuality, the reprobation.

How In the name of Jesus did we get here? Is there still hope?

The only thing I can say is check the Gospel you heard and who preached it!

And see what Jesus, Apostles, and early church fathers really said what where the guidelines and then follow.

The Gospel is very simple and we've had so many fights disputing each other, but we all share this in common: Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Heaven, God, Disciples, Sin, Rapture, Crucifixion, The Passion, Deliverance, Liberty, Love, Faith,

So fix it and determine where you've erred.

The Gospel is so simple Hate sin, Love God, Flee temptations, Torment the demons

I know many would disagree with this last statement, but what is grace? Is it really what we claim it is or beyond what we can ever imagine! There is a debate, Costly or Cheap grace choose one. But I say the two salvation is both costly and cheap.

If I must state further in this growing world I found the Gospel to be very explainatory. Reckon, Denial, Flee. These three have become the greatest test and failure of many, this is where many a soul have ended their Journey. But without practising the three there seems to be no going forward! Heaven is real so Is hell.

Be wise Discern well.

But still many will fail and many will progress.